W17 – Great Hall
Budapest, 1077, Wesselényi utca 17.

Milestone x Open Books – Spotlight: Vilmos Csányi

In the framework of the Spotlight cultural event series Vilmos Csányi talked to Tiana Jaksa, Milestone alumni.

Vilmos Csányi – Hungarian biologist, biochemist, ethologist, university professor, winner of the Széchenyi Prize and Prima Primissima Award, was born in 1935 in Budapest. His main field of research are animal and human behaviour, biological and cultural evolution. His ethological studies on dogs have made him an internationally recognised researcher. In 2009, Science published a report on his research on dogs at the Department of Ethology, acknowledging the emergence of a completely new branch of ethology. In the Canis Major constellation, one of the stars is named after Vilmos Csányi. In recent years, he has been working on fiction. Nine of his works have been published to date by Open Books. Spotlight is a joint series of events organised by Milestone Knowledge Port and Open Books in autumn 2022. The four evenings of the series will feature authors from Open Books, who will be interviewed by a Milestone alumni about their work and their latest books. The collaboration is inspired by the parallels and synergies identified in the work and ambitions of the two organisations.

Previous events

2023. October 28.

Alumni Club S01E06 – Bachatomi Farewell Party

2023. October 11.

On the top of the World – Márton Price’s storytelling event at Milestone Institute

2023. September 09.

Alumni Club S01E05 – Summer Closing BBQ

2023. September 06.

Milestone X HYA (Hungarian Youth Association): All roads lead home?- Is being abroad a destination or only a station?

2023. August 05.

Alumni Club S01E04 – Alumni Day @Leavers’ Camp

2023. August 10.

Think for Tomorrow @Sziget Festival powered by FH and Milestone

2023. July 15.

Alumni Club S01E03 – Founders’ Ball

2023. June 24.

Alumni Club S01E02 – Picnic at Margaret Island

2023. May 18.

Alumni Club S01E01 – Pub Quiz

2023. June 07.

“Kiállok magamért” theatre play