
Alumni Club S01E06 – Bachatomi Farewell Party

Tomi, a true pillar of our alumni community who has bachata’d his way into all our hearts has decided to re-locate to Granada in November, so it is only fair that we send him on his way with a massive farewell party! He will of course still be involved in organizing alumni events, especially the massive Christmas party – which is on the 22nd of December, don’t forget!
Details will be announced later, but we will start with drinks in a friendly pub in the city center and who knows what the rest of the night will bring… But we have a feeling it will turn into a proper night out, so be prepared!

Previous events

2023. October 28.

Alumni Club S01E06 – Bachatomi Farewell Party

2023. October 11.

On the top of the World – Márton Price’s storytelling event at Milestone Institute

2023. September 09.

Alumni Club S01E05 – Summer Closing BBQ

2023. September 06.

Milestone X HYA (Hungarian Youth Association): All roads lead home?- Is being abroad a destination or only a station?

2023. August 05.

Alumni Club S01E04 – Alumni Day @Leavers’ Camp

2023. August 10.

Think for Tomorrow @Sziget Festival powered by FH and Milestone

2023. July 15.

Alumni Club S01E03 – Founders’ Ball

2023. June 24.

Alumni Club S01E02 – Picnic at Margaret Island

2023. May 18.

Alumni Club S01E01 – Pub Quiz

2023. June 07.

“Kiállok magamért” theatre play